Wednesday, 11 July 2007

And then the 2nd phone call

... 10 minutes later.

"Hello, it's me."
"Hello darling, how are you?"
"OK. There is definitely another line. Definitely definitely". Proof positive. I'm now getting the picture; 1 horizontal line is negative, as in the ISO standard for ... erm ... negative. A horizontal line crossed with a vertical line is positive, as in a plus symbol. This visualisation thing is coming along nicely.

"Right, OK babe, that's great news".
"I won't do the other one until tomorrow morning, as allegedly your first wee of the day is the strongest, although there is definitely a line there."
"That's fine baby, we'll do it tomorrow."
"I'll also book myself in to the doctors to confirm that it's all OK."
"Good thinking."
"Are you OK with this?". We're back to the flannel thing, aren't we?

"Well, we wouldn't have tried on holiday if we didn't both think it was a good idea."
"I know. Alright, I'll see you later then. Remember we can't talk about it too much as Fally is around."
"Alright darling, we'll try and keep it quiet". And with that, I skipped off to the kitchen, made myself a cup of tea, and prominently informed 2 work colleagues.

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